Posted in Books

Growing up knowing you were stolen of your birthright could drive anyone crazy, and it almost did Porter Dixon. To think that loving Bishop Sullivan is what kept him sane and got him back home was absolutely poetic.

**warning: some addiction issues in this book might be triggering for some**

Bishop Sullivan grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth, while Porter Dixon knew little other than the miserable life his father gave him and his mother. It’s natural and understandable growing up with the knowledge that the life you should be living was taken from you by a generational old feud, but when you’re forced to work for that place as if it’s doing you a favor? That’s just harsh.

That’s Porter Dixon. Adding to that the fact that he’s secretly in love with the boy who’s family he’s working for, makes it all even harder, and when life throws him another curveball, because why not? He’s had all that he can handle and the only solution is to flee. Which he does. And doesn’t come back for more than a decade later.

But as he’s coming back with a talent honed and mastered, which attracts jealousy from the others, his dream is on the line again.

Some people may surprise you, though, and for me it was a pleasant surprise to see that sometimes the apple falls pretty far from the tree, even though it might take it a bit to roll away far enough.

The dramatic effect in the plot made me enjoy it more than anything. I don’t like it when things are “too easy”, and things weren’t so easy in this one.

Oh how I love this collaborative writing duo. Somehow I can never tell the difference between the voices and that’s just the perfect merge that makes for a seamless plot.

So grab yourselves a copy and enjoy this one.

Wild at Heart

I’ve always known what my future had in store: inheriting the family ranch and having myself a wife and kids to carry on the Sullivan name. Porter Dixon never factored into those plans. We may have spent our teenage years sneaking away to lose ourselves in each other, but he always held me at arm’s length…until the day he up and left without so much as a goodbye.

After everything I’ve lost in my life, it’s important that I keep myself tightly guarded. Especially around Bishop Sullivan. Dad would be rolling in his grave if he found out I was shacking up with a Sullivan, given the bad blood between our families. But eleven years after leaving, I’m back in Laurel Springs with something to prove: I don’t need the Sullivans, nor their land.

Except, damn it all, Bishop has this way of burrowing under my armor. The magnetic draw between us is still too hard to ignore, and what starts out as boss and ranch hand quickly turns into stolen moments and simmering encounters that make it hard to stay angry.

I want to think that love can conquer all and tame my wild heart…but the past isn’t so easy to forget.


I read, review, flail and swoon.

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