Posted in Books

Wethering The Storm (The Storm #2) – Samantha Towle

Jake Wethers. This in itself should be the review for this book.

Got my hands on The sequel to The Mighty Storm the day it came out a few days ago and in less than 24 hours finished it.

Book blurb

Music journalist Tru Bennett has done the impossible: capture the heart of rock-star bad boy Jake Wethers. Now they’re busy planning a wedding and navigating their new life together in the US. Of course Tru misses London and her best friend, Simone, but living happily ever after with Jake in LA is going to be great…right?

Wrong. Even the bright California sun can’t whitewash the dark side of celebrity coupledom. Greedy music execs, merciless paparazzi, and Jake’s wild past are lurking around every corner. Making matters worse, Jake announces he doesn’t want kids, which just may be a deal breaker.

Tru loves Jake more than anything. But when a devastating crisis threatens to destroy everything they’ve fought for, the couple must face the hard truth: What if, this time, love is not enough?

My thoughts

I loved The Mighty Storm. I loved Jake Wethers and Trudy Bennett and their love story. Boy and girl next door true love, drug addiction, fame and salvation. What’s not to love?

In Wethering the Storm Jake is drug free and starting his life with Tru. He loves her like no other, fully reciprocated of course, and will do pretty much anything in his power so that she’ll be happy and be happy with him.

I fully expected a drug relapse, a cheating scandal (fake or otherwise) and even fame getting in the way of their love, as the dramatic obstacle in this story. I did. The entire setting for the story (first few chapters) lead me to that. But I got something a little better.

That something better is Jake announcing he doesn’t want to have kids. And don’t get me wrong, that’s not a good thing in my book (personally), but it’s definitely a great setting for an unexpected bun in the oven and the after effects.

Samantha Towle sprinkled the book with so many Jake swoons, and so many perfect gestures made by him for Tru, I was almost tempted to go out and find me a rock star. Jake made me tear up, and not only during the last 30% of the story, but almost from the start.

Tru on her part adjusted to being a rock star’s fiancé very well, she’s dealing with Jake’s recovery from drug abuse, she’s even handling the sudden wealth amazingly well. But she wants what almost every woman wants. To be a mother. Not right away, of course, but someday. And Jake declaring he has not interest in being a father throws her back a little.

And that’s where the fun begins. And that’s where Jake has his chance to screw up. And that’s when he takes that chance.

So yes, at the beginning I felt like this book was going to be a cliché, and thought I had it figured out right away. And it included one of my pet peeves, coming on command (really? NO!) mostly at the beginning, and I genuinely would’ve been fine with 1-2 less explicit sex scenes, but it was well written, it was very emotional, very romantic, and swoony and everything you wanted in a New Adult rock star romance.




Also, who doesn’t want to see/read a “didn’t want to be a father” rockstar cradling a newborn? *swoooooon*

My Rating: 4.5star


Pick up The Mighty Storm and Wethering The Storm and just enjoy the swoons and yes, even the tears. And most importantly, the happy ending. I’m looking forward to book 3, untitled for now, coming out sometime in 2014 – Tom and Lyla’s story. YES! Finally someone got his ass wrapped around her finger.

Amazon/B&N (audio only)

About Samantha Towle

Samantha Towle began her first novel in 2008 while on maternity leave. She completed the manuscript five months later and hasn’t stopped writing since. She is the author of The Mighty Storm, The Bringer and the Alexandra Jones series, all penned to tunes of The Killers, Kings of Leon, Adele, The Doors, Oasis, Fleetwood Mac, and more of her favourite musicians. A native of Hull and a graduate of Salford University, she lives with her husband, Craig, in East Yorkshire with their son and daughter.


